Daily Card – 27 September 2023 – 10 of Koros (Cups)
Today’s card is from The Buckland Romani Tarot: Gypsy Book of Wisdom, along with the interpretive text from that book.
Ten of Koros
Traditional Meaning.
Upright: Happy family life, contentment, perfect love, lasting happiness, attainment of heart’s desire.
Reversed: Betrayal, loss of friendship, estrangement from family.
Buckland Interpretation
A family of Gypsies camped in a field, beside a stream and a country lane. There are three generations of Roma present. Surrounding them are ten water jacks. A large willow tree lends its fronds to the scene. Beyond the hill, behind the camp site, a beautiful rainbow arcs across the sky, crowning all below it with joy, success, and abundance.
The family’s bowtop vardo is in blue and gold, colors of health, patience, tranquillity, confidence, protection and charm. These colors are picked up in the clothing of the Roma and in the water churns. Additionally, there is the rose color of the women’s clothes, signifying health, strength, love, honor and morality. The two women also each wear a necklace of blue beads, for patience, understanding and tranquillity.
Two of the water containers are decorated with garlands of roses; reward of virtue. The willow represents freedom and love of life.
This is one of the most fortunate cards in the deck, representing, as it does, the joy and happiness of love, family, friendship, and abundance. There is also stability, since three generations are represented.
The vardo is well packed with all that is necessary to live the good life. Even the cratch at the back is filled with belongings, hidden from sight by the cratch cover. The old couple – purl dai and kralis – are the wisdom of the years; the younger couple are the success of the present; the young chavvi is the hope for the future. This is a very fortunate and very complete card boding well for the Querent.
From here it is possible to plan for the future, to simply relax and enjoy what has been achieved to this point, or to reminisce on what has gone before. There is no pressure and no indication that there will be any big change in the near future.
Llewellyn; First Edition (January 1, 2001)